Our Six Pillars of Growth

We're committed to cultivating global, happy citizens who know who they are, understand their gifts and approach life with wonder, joy, humility, and a profound desire to share.

Our practice is focused on supporting the growth of children's minds, bodies and souls through an integrated, differentiated curriculum rooted in the Montessori tradition. By placing equal emphasis on all 6 Pillars of Growth, children can continue to grow as balanced, realized, happy humans.




Students spend time each day in a Montessori-based Grow Cycle engaging in a process of self-construction through independent and collaborative interaction with materials, exploring subjects such as math, science, social studies and language arts. Students will learn about the interconnectivity of the universe through a cosmic education. 



Students will learn how to respect and engage their body as a tool to increase wellness and happiness. Children will experience various physical practices such as yoga, dance, athletics and martial arts. Additionally, our students will learn to cook and eat consciously.



Drawing from wisdom cultures around the world, as well as our daily Peace Practice, students nurture their connection with the planet and all living things. Our practice consists of yoga asana, pranayama, meditation, intention setting, mindful eating and gratitude cultivation.


Conscious Creators

Our Conscious Creators program encourages master classes with leading creators in their respective fields, including one-on-one mentorships where students take a meaningful part integrating with each other and their community.



Creative Expression is heavily emphasized at SOLFL and viewed as a core curriculum. Students will engage in creative expressions daily, including options for music, drama, dance and fine arts. Additionally, music will be interspersed throughout their schedule, becoming an integral part of our students' daily experience.



Students will be encouraged to immerse in nature for hands-on learning, to help each child develop a deep connection with the planet. Our curriculum will include many opportunities to incorporate local natural resources into their SOLFL studies.